Does code style matter?

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Code and its meaning

Style, what is it?

The way each developer writes code is completely different. Code style is essentially how your code looks, everything is elementary. This is a very personal thing and everyone has their own preferences in this matter. 

You can get a feel for your own style by studying the code you wrote when you didn't adhere to a specific style guide. The style depends mainly on who learned programming and how. If you're using an integrated development environment (IDE) like Visual Studio for learning, your style may be the same as what the editor dictates.
If you learned using a regular word processor, your style probably evolved from what you thought was more readable.

What is code style

Developers often find that their coding style varies depending on the language. The decisions you make in JavaScript obviously don't apply to your CSS code.
For example, you might decide that in JavaScript strings should be in single quotes, but in CSS you need to use double quotes, or vice versa. There is nothing wrong with this, everyone is prone to context switching while switching between languages. However, it is a very interesting exercise in self-observation.

Interaction is the key to success

Communication is the most important component when developers work in a team. People simply need the ability to work together effectively and efficiently, and the only way to achieve this is through collaboration.

We, as developers, primarily interact through code, we interact with parts of a program through code, and we interact with other developers through code.

Interaction with SWOT developers

Over time, you start to think of code as a way to interact with other developers. At this moment, the understanding comes: we do not write code, we develop code. The essence of the written code should be clear to any programmer you meet. You should always set yourself the following goal:
“My code will have to be maintained by a complete stranger.”

After all, the developer interacts with other team members at the moment, he also interacts with the team in the future.

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